Bandholz Beard Style

Bandholz Beard
Bandholz Beard
Bandholz Beard

Bandholz Beard Style

Popularized by the founder of Beardbrand, Eric Bandholz, the Bandholz beard is a mustache with a full beard. The mustache is the distinctive element that hangs wide, partly concealing the mouth. Growing the Bandholz requires patience and dedication, but it’s worth it for men who want to experiment with a new look. 


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Ideal Face Shape: Oval, triangle, and diamond

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Ideal Beard Hair Type: Full beard, Longbeard, yeard, tweard

Styling Tips

  • To achieve a Bandholz style, grow out your facial hair for at least three months.
  • With each maintenance routine, brush the stache (to the sides) and the beard (downward).
  • When trimming, go with a nice rounded shape up towards your sideburns. Trim just above Adam’s apple, not near the chin. Also, sparingly trim away stray hairs with scissors.
  • Waves and length are top challenges associated with the Bandholz. You can use a combo of a blow dryer and rolling brush to manage waves.

How to Grow

If you want to grow a Bandolz beard there are five things you should be doing:

  1. Resist the urge to trim at least for a couple of months.
  2. Regularly keep your skin clean with warm water and a cleanser.
  3. Exfoliate about twice weekly to remove in-growth hair while promoting new ones.
  4. Moisturize your skin with a conditioner and beard balm/oil that’s rich in eucalyptus.
  5. Increase your biotin, protein, multivitamins, and veggies intake.


The Bandholz beard is attractive and charming but requires patience and dedication. 

Going at least three months without a razor means you’ll also need to brush more regularly to minimize waves and tangles. 

Obviously, not shaving is the most effective way to quickly grow a Bandholz. Other effective tricks for beard hair growth involve exercising and regular grooming with warm water, cleanser, and some products.

Talking of products, you’ll need some to prevent/minimize dryness, dandruff, itching, and dirt accumulation. 

Did I miss anything or maybe you have further questions about the Bandholz beard? Kindly drop them in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can get the Bandholz beard by growing your facial hair out. As it grows, shampoo, comb, condition, and apply beard balm regularly. Use scissors occasionally to catch stray hair and trim hair along the neck up towards your sideburns.
The process of getting a square-shaped beard should look more like this: a) Finalize with the customer details on how much of the hair you’ll be cutting or keeping along the sides, stache, cheek line, etc. b) Comb hair out. With the comb leaning in slightly and a trimmer, freehand your way down the sideburns and jawlines. This gets rid of uneven hairs while keeping its natural shape. Shape up the cheek line (if you must) but only lightly. c) Eyeball what needs to be trimmed out from the sides and front. Use a comb and a scissor to make the beard square-shaped. d) Finish off with a beard balm.

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